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Spa Business
2023 issue 4

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Leisure Management - Justin Wiggan

Spa People

Justin Wiggan

The haptic suits will translate plant and rock frequencies into vibrations to massage people

Wiggan is working with Myndstream and Six Senses photo: Hugh Hastings
The sounds are based on plant energy photo: Glass Twin

Inventor Justin Wiggan is creating a haptic suit that massages people by translating the electrical impulses and frequencies from vegetation and minerals into vibrations.

Wiggan composes soundscapes from plant, tree, rock and crystal energy – a process known as bio sonification – and believes the suits “will be a game-changer in the integration of human empathy and emotion in green spaces for spas.

“They’ll be fully immersive vibrational cocoons, almost like a green womb, to experience a grounding connection to nature and to re-tox,” he says, adding it’s a two-way conversation between plants and humans as readings change in accordance with the energy levels of the person near it.

Sparking spa interest
Hosted by his company Glass Twin, Wiggan’s healing soundtracks have caught the attention of several global spa companies. He’s recently secured partnerships with wellness music platform Myndstream, as well as Six Senses. He’s also working with international consultants such as Bonnie Baker and Diana Mestre to realise sound art-based wellness initiatives.

He suggests that bio sonification equipment could be set up in spa gardens and interactive living bio walls indoors, or in any rooms with plants and crystals, so guests can immerse themselves in the experience.

People who’ve experienced Wiggan’s quirky plant bio sonifcation pop-ups – hosted by his company Glass Twin – report big emotional and physical changes. In addition, a recent study of his work by the UK’s University of Plymouth indicated a positive effect on blood pressure and stress levels.

The inspiration
Wiggan has been fascinated by sound from a young age after being told he might lose his sight as a child, which inspired him to keenly train his sense of hearing.

However, his focus on wellness came later on following a cancer diagnosis which revealed to him how powerful sound can be in vulnerable situations.

This led Wiggan to launch Glass Twin with the intention of improving people’s wellbeing by reconnecting them with sound.

Originally published in Spa Business 2023 issue 4

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