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Spa Business
2023 issue 3

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Leisure Management - Starpool: Long-lasting health gains


Starpool: Long-lasting health gains

Longevity Spa combines innovative health technologies and effective user programmes to maintain wellness and enhance healthspan

The Zerobody Dry Float from Starpool – a powerful wellness solution photo: Gaia Panozzo
Starpool’s Longevity Spa wellness concept is available in four configurations Photo: Starpool

A healthy lifestyle is the bedrock of a long-lasting state of beauty and wellness and in recent years people’s healthier life expectancy has been one of the great achievements of our times.

Preventative health is an important longevity factor when it comes to increasing our healthy years and reducing our chances of developing chronic diseases, which is why Starpool has introduced Longevity Spa scientific, wellbeing experiences. These provide spa and wellness customers with psycho-physical benefits that encourage them to adopt healthy lifestyle habits that help to slow down the body’s ageing processes.

The immersive, customised self-care programmes and treatments are delivered using advanced technology and scientifically-validated methods that act from within to help users improve their nutrition and sleep, reduce their stress levels and increase their physical fitness, while ensuring their immune systems continues to work efficiently.

“Our mission at Starpool is to spread the culture of wellness so people can make it a daily habit,” Starpool marketing manager Stella Rossi explains. “Longevity and preventive health interventions are key factors in this new era and together with sleep, performance and stress management, are where our wellness solutions can have the greatest effect and around which our scientific research revolves.”

Wellness options
The Longevity Spa wellness concept is available in four configurations, including Basic, Pro, Elite and Elite Plus. Each configuration is available in different dimensions and offers technological resources to fit with specific healthy-lifestyle goals.

The Basic option is ideal for operators who want to keep up with the evolution of the wellness market, even with limited space at their disposal. It can be installed inside a single cabin for customised treatments; or located within a wider relaxation area.

The configuration includes the virtual Wellness Coach brain training guide, a Relaxation Lounger and the Molecular Hydrogen Booster nasal inhalation system, which offers users a 20-minute regenerating stress management and longevity wellness experience.

The ‘Pro’ option is suitable for wellness establishments that want to offer cutting-edge body and mind wellness technologies. The Zerobody Dry Float allows users to experience a feeling of reduced gravity by ‘dry’ floating on 400 litres of warm water – making a positive impact on stress, muscle and joint pain – together with the Molecular Hydrogen Booster for stress management, sleep and longevity programmes.

The Elite option includes cryotherapy and psycho-physical treatments using heat, cold and float therapies. It’s particularly effective for athlete recovery, with customised programmes using the Zerobody Dry Float, the Molecular Hydrogen Booster and the Zerobody Cryo – a 4-6°C water membrane that wraps around the body and provides gradual cold-therapy exposure for stress management, sleep, performance and longevity programmes.

The Elite Plus option includes photobiomodulation – a therapeutic, energising technique experienced through low-frequency light energy. It also includes the Zerobody Dry Float, the Molecular Hydrogen Booster and the Zerobody Cryo for stress management, sleep, performance and longevity programmes.

Value-added spa proposition
The Longevity Spa fits perfectly with the emerging trend for individuals to take control of their own lifestyle choices. These systems offer an exceptional return on investment for operators by providing innovative health technologies, optimising available space and reducing the amount of staff time needed to deliver the protocols. The hands-free experiences for individual self-care treatments allow operators to target customers’ needs and help them achieve longer, healthier lives.

More: www.spabusiness.com/Starpool323

Effective programmes
Longevity Spa programmes include
• Stress management

Helping with stress and improving mental health

• Sleep

Releasing tension and transforming sleep quality

• Performance

Improving physical activity performance and increase mental focus

• Longevity

Promoting a healthy lifestyle and slowing down the ageing process

photo: Starpool

"Our mission at Starpool is to spread the culture of wellness so people can make it a daily habit"– Stella Rossi, Starpool

Originally published in Spa Business 2023 issue 3

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