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Spa Business
2023 issue 2

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Leisure Management - Art of Cryo: Time for a recharge


Art of Cryo: Time for a recharge

Tired, stressed and facing burnout, a couple look to Art of Cryo’s innovative new Tec-Spa Module for a solution

The new programme combines three Art of Cryo appliances photo: art of cryo
Guests monitor their progress via an app photo: art of cryo

“Why do you want a promotion if you already can’t sleep well?” Robbie asks his girlfriend Vikki. They’ve been together for years but recently Robbie’s worried Vikki might burnout and experience physical and psychological imbalances from the escalating stresses of daily life and work-related issues.

“Which office worker doesn’t suffer from back and neck pain?” Vikki retorts. Robbie’s never worked in an office, he’s a professional sportsman who trains daily and knows how to handle pain and stress.

“A little back pain isn’t dramatic, but if pain and stress levels aren’t controlled, they’ll manifest in a chronic condition,” says Robbie, “there are good strategies that can help.”

Two new treatments
He tells Vikki about the new Tec-Spa Module (TSM) by Art of Cryo which his club has started using. It combines three Art of Cryo appliances and three health-tracking devices. “We use the Vaultz cryo chamber which delivers outstanding results when it comes to rehab, pain or sleep management,” he says. “But recently they added two more treatments.”

Vikki gets excited as Robbie explains more. Before the Vaultz session is the new Multi Cryo-Hacking System (MCS) which includes a cocktail of light therapy, ionised oxygen therapy, aromatherapy and long-wave heat therapy. After the Vaultz is the Flow System which involves intermittent vacuum therapy to stimulate the lymphatic system.

She exclaims, “We need a break to recharge! I’ll check what luxury resorts offer TSM cutting-edge technology.”

Health tracking devices
At the resort, Vikki and Robbie check in using an Art of Cryo app, inputting details like BMI, how they feel and what they want to improve. An individual treatment plan is then created and uploaded.

“I am intrigued,” says Robbie, scrolling through the app. “We can get 3D body scans before and after our treatments and we can see our results via a body avatar.”

“Wow, look,” says Vikki. “We’ve got smart rings that can track our vital data, including our sleep stages. This is not your typical wellness resort.

“TSM is such a unique approach. I love that we’ll not only feel the changes but also see them in numbers.”

The couple is scheduled to start Art of Cryo’s TSM session imminently... read the next issue of Spa Business to find out how they get on.

More: www.artofcryo.com

Originally published in Spa Business 2023 issue 2

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