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Spa Business
2017 issue 2

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Leisure Management - SpaSoft - Five reasons to go digital with your spa wellness intake forms

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SpaSoft - Five reasons to go digital with your spa wellness intake forms

Electronic intake forms save your staff time, create a more professional impression for your guests, and reduce costs. We explain how it works

Electronic wellness intake forms will promote your brand’s image

1. Make a great first impression
You have only one chance to make a first impression at your spa, so make it a great one. You’ve trained your staff and perfected how they greet and escort the guest, but then they hand them a clipboard with copies of your paper wellness intake form for them to complete. Now, imagine presenting a sleek tablet offering a branded intake form experience — pre-populated with their basic registration information. Which makes a better impression?

2. Make an even better second impression
When the guest returns to your spa, the system alerts you of their repeat status and indicates they have a wellness intake form on file. If the form is still current, you inform the guest they will not need to complete it again. What a great way to recognise and serve repeat guests, helping to ensure continued guest loyalty.

3. Show off your brand
Electronic spa wellness intake forms offer a full colour, vibrant way to brand the wellness intake process. Not only is the look of the application customisable, but the questions are, too. Gather the information you need to personalise the spa experience for each and every guest so you can wow them with service, and they’ll remember every wonderful moment.

4. Reduce administrative costs
Digital wellness intake forms automatically save to the guest profile, no filing needed. Your Spa Concierge can focus on guest service instead of shuffling and sorting papers.

5. Enhance wellness visibility
Deploying wellness intake forms electronically, your staff can more quickly review the guest’s information behind the scenes, allowing them to proactively address any particular issues or questions. The ability to collect and review the forms digitally establishes a contemporary environment in which to create the personalised experience that will wow each and every guest.

Electronic wellness intake forms will promote your brand’s image, elevate your guest’s experience and lower costs.

Originally published in Spa Business 2017 issue 2

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